We believe that a prospering business
can build a prospering community

At Emami, we are committed to build a sustainable future for generations to come and are dedicated to improving the quality of life by meeting the needs to society and the environment. That's what we've done throughout our history. As the world evolves, so do we. We are constantly working to meet the changing needs of our stakeholders including employees, investors, customers, value chain partners and the local community for a healthy and sustainable future. Sustainability at Emami is integrated into what we do and core to our corporate strategy.

Emami Limited has embraced a holistic approach to achieve sustainability in their operations encompassing parameters of safety, environment, water conservation, energy conservation and waste management. Over the years, the Company has achieved few milestones on our journey towards zero accidents, zero liquid discharge and zero environmental incidents.

Our focus towards building a sustainable future are founded on the principles and policies that we use to monitor the ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) requirements across the organization.


Environmental Stewardship

We recognize the urgent need to address environmental challenges, and we are dedicated to minimizing our ecological footprint. We are taking active steps to:

  • Reduce our carbon footprint across our operations and supply chain
  • Implement sustainable packaging solutions, reducing plastic waste, and promoting recyclability.
  • Invest in renewable energy sources and promoting energy efficiency.
  • Conserve water resources and managing water usage responsibly.
  • Protect biodiversity and promoting sustainable agriculture practices.

Responsible Sourcing

We recognize the urgent need to address environmental challenges, and we are dedicated to minimizing our ecological footprint. We are taking active steps to:

Ensuring transparency and traceability in our supply chain, working closely with suppliers to promote ethical practices.


Prioritizing responsible sourcing of raw materials, including sustainable agriculture.


Partnering with local communities to support economic development, empower small-scale businesses, and improve livelihoods.

Product Innovation and Circular Economy

We believe in driving innovation to create products that are sustainable throughout their lifecycle. Our efforts in this direction include:

  • Investing in research and development to develop sustainable alternatives, eco-friendly formulations, and efficient manufacturing processes.
  • Promoting the adoption of circular economy principles, including product design for recycling, reuse, and waste reduction.
  • Engaging with consumers to raise awareness about sustainable consumption and encourage responsible product usage.
  • Ensuring compliance as per Plastic Waste Management guidelines under Extended Producer’s Responsibility.

Community Engagement and Social Impact

We recognize our responsibility to contribute positively to the communities where we operate. Our efforts in this direction include:

Supporting local community initiatives, education, and health programs.


Promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion within our workforce.


Empowering women and fostering gender equality.


Engaging in philanthropic activities and disaster response efforts.


Stakeholder Collaboration

We believe that collaboration is key to achieving sustainability goals. We have taken following steps in this regard

  • Collaborating with Industry Chambers, NGOs, governments, and academic institutions to drive collective action and share best practices.
  • Engaging with customers, employees, and shareholders to incorporate their perspectives and aspirations into our sustainability strategy.
  • Maintaining transparent reporting practices to track our progress, share learnings, and be accountable to our stakeholders.
By embracing sustainability, we aim to not only transform our business but also contribute to a more sustainable and resilient future for all. Together, we can make a positive impact on the planet and society while delivering long-term value for our stakeholders.

CSR Initiatives

CSR Committee

CSR Policy

CSR Projects

BRR/ BRSR Reports